Dear climbers,
You are included in this email as you are in the top 3 positions in the Singapore Bouldering League in 2010.
As such, you are invited to take part in the -
SPOEX 2011 The North Face Cup & Discovery Climbing Festival
It is a bouldering competition, and it will be held from 26th to 27th February 2011. Please note that you date of arrival can be no later than 25th Feb.
Attached please find the particulars regarding the competition.
Please note that you will be responsible for your own airfare, but accommodation and transport in Korea will be provided.
Please do not hesitate to contact June Pein from Climb Asia if you are interested in the above event.
All the best!
(This email is sent to the top 3 Singaporeans in SBL 2010)
Ben Toh
SCA Manager
Did some rudimentary upside and downside analysis..
Reasons for Going
- Always been my dream to represent Singapore in climbing competitions at the international stage.
- Might not get a chance like this again in the future. I am a year 3 undergraduate. When I’m get into Year 4 I need to cut down on climbing, focus on FYP dissertation, focus on securing decent grades for the last gasp burst of my entire 16 years of education.
- Will be cool to rub shoulders with my climbing heroes who inspired me through their videos.
Reasons for Not Going
- Elbow tendonitis, left upper back injury, spilt finger tip (outer skin detached from inner skin). These injuries are haunting me and preventing me from climbing, much less training hard.
- 1 week notice (the comp is next weekend). Will go there not having trained for the competition and getting owned damn bad. Not training and making the finals in local competitions by the inch of a hair is one thing. Not training and then going for The North Face Cup is another. Throw my own face as well as Singapore's face.
- $600 airfare out of my own pocket
- Clashes with a coaching session with TJ which I've already promised Philip to take.
Decisions decisions.. Come on brain and heart.. get your fucking act together.