Only after scanning through my previous entries, did I realise that I've been to Krabi 5 times now. Can be considered a veteran already? I started writing a generic entry, detailing accomplishments and experiences, in much the same way as done previously. After some consideration I scrapped that writing style. All too often I've looked inside myself for the answers. Perhaps part of that truth lies concealed in the experiences of others as well. To my friends, I salute you and humbly submit this post in honour of the lessons you've taught me.
To Mr Lwee Jia Wei
You are not called the 'psyche monster' for nothing. You have a precious gift, one to stir, to influence. You inspire while aspiring, rousing others around you to climb harder. Your boyish enthusiasm at jumping on routes several levels above your current ability, screaming your way up the problem, brings back fond memories of myself some years back. May your self belief never waver. And don't stop looking for that one hardest move.
To Mr Aaron Ng
I've walked a little bit of the way with you on your journey of Tantrum. To say the route is tough is an understatement. I know, I've tried. I've watched you get repeatedly shut down by the route, despite your best efforts. Yet, you share beta without hesitation with new aspirants. You've engram-ed the moves so perfectly that your redpoint attempts have become mesmerizing to watch. A maelstrom of speed and precision. I really wish for you to send that route soon. Surpass the negativity of anxiety, frustrations, exasperation, depression. You are greater than that.
To Mr Winfred Goh
When you finished ASP first, I was so happy for you. I could feel your elation, I could sense your relief. I know, I trekked there with you everyday, belaying you on your attempts, watching you painstakingly work out the beta. We got shut out by the weather, by the rising tides, by diminishing supply of fingertip skin. But you've already made up your mind. The route must go. And the body will follow. The obsession has sunk in and pressure was mounting. You can even easily recall the number of moves - 23 hand and 35 feet movements. Following your successful send, I somehow managed to clip the chains too. You thoughtfully lowered me unhurriedly to the ground, as if letting me soak up that intoxicating sweetness. You extended your hand with a firm handshake, I took it up and returned it with heartfelt gratitude. Task accomplished. Between 2 men on a mission, nothing more needs to be said.
To Mr Hwa Soong Yi
11 routes over 2 days was only possible because of you. The second day was especially trying, what with five 30m grade 7 routes. That adds up to about 150m of hard climbing! Your willingness to trek to the toughest crags, to belay off dodgy ledges, to free solo routes with insanely high first bolts, to exploit cheeky hands-free positions, is nothing short of amazing. There was something in the Captain America movie about waiting for the right partner. I'm lucky you came along (on crutches hobbling down the beach no less) But no backside poking please. I went up GillesNoLimits on Cat Wall, expelling old demons in the process. Previously I was so intimidated by the route. But this time, with your encouragement, I've surpassed that irrational fear. Bro, hard multi-pitches next?
*The author is not as talented as his friends. Since he cannot crank down hard like they can, he resigns to being a scribe, writing down their remarkable stories, for all to read.
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