May 31, 2010

a little too gay for my liking

i have a friend. i think he's gay. just had a rockclimbing competition over the weekend, and this friend of mine, whom i've 'climbed' up with over the last 7 years or so, did totally gay shit stuff on a whole new gayness level.

for the qualifiers we finished the exact same route using the exact same moves. it's as if we share some telepathic link.

for the finals we both had the exact same result. and no we did not liaise to fall at the exact same places beforehand.

it's as like we were made from the same factory. in fact, he said it himself once before. we are made from the same paper. gay shite. sends chills down my spine. think i better stop hanging out with him so often.

bernard kho, if girls get scared off i'm holding you responsible.

p.s. bernard is nice guy who is loyal, faithful and will not break your heart. please take him away from me. for his sake and mine.


  1. !!!!!! U SLUT! Destroying my reputation!!! Is u follow me loh. Tsk.

  2. lovers' banter? hehe. so cute! i support!
    i dont think anyone else noticed the comp similarities besides u leh jansen. shows how much u notice him. =P

  3. no no it is NOT a lover's banter. HORRORS.

  4. eh. i noticed! haha. the comp similarities. (y) analysed by a train(ing) psychologist. heh
