Jun 1, 2010

a little too gay for my liking (cont)

on a more serious note, i've been friends with bernard for 7 years and counting now. all these while he's been patient, always ready to lend a listening ear, and remain stoic and silent while i banter on and on about mundane things that hold little interest to him. he's more pragmatic - gunning for that 5 digit monthly salary (of which he's giving me a cut), whereas i'm more idealistic - cooped up in a dreamy-headed contemplation of life's issues.

as i grow older, the qualities of a person that used to be endearing to me, e.g. cool to hang around with, having all the latest boy toys (for a guy) or pretty face/big boobs/tight ass (for a girl, NO i'm not shallow) have all lost their appeal. what i hold close to my heart now are people who cherish their relationship with others, who remain steadfast in their friendship, and dont break my heart.

although i sucked big time at this comp (only touched 7 tiles - possibly my worst record so far), i must say that i had LOADS of fun competing in it with him. shoulder to shoulder, as a peer. one who understands how hard it is to juggle the demands of school, work and climbing.

ahh the nostalgia.. those days spent training and competing together back in tj. our pre-comp ritual of thrash-talking each other and post-comp analysis of each and every move and how we could have done it better.. little wonder then, that we do the exact same sequences for our routes. am glad how some things dont ever change.

thank you bernard. for being always there, always dependable. let the good times roll..


  1. Aww So Sweet. I forgive ur previous post. Touch me DEEP DEEP

  2. :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:( i'm jealous...

  3. @yix:
    dont jealous ok i write a post for you soon. this piece is a labour of love. need another 9 months before i can produce something similar..
