Jul 26, 2010

i have a friend

i made this friend in army when going through the wayang party that is some sergeant course. this friend is the anti-thesis of what an army sergeant is supposed to be.

an army sergeant is supposed to be a lean-mean vulgarities-spewing machine whom the men are scared of. my friend gets bullied by the men.

an army sergeant is supposed to be highly proficient in his equipment-skills. my friend probably knows as much as a private.

even though he is a blur sotong who gets bullied by everyone, he's still my friend. he may suck in playing the army game, but he's a dean's lister in literature - a fact many people arent aware of. i recognize that there are different kinds of intelligence in this world, and the one who's quickest to judge is probably the least intelligent of all. who knows.. maybe he'll win the nobel prize for literature in future or something. he also has this uncanny ability to only do what he likes, and as a result he takes joy in even the simplest of things.

for all those times spent in canteen break, or bantering with each other, or discussing literary nuances, or simply just stoning in the sergeant mess, i thank you! it's been a pleasure to laugh at you.. and laugh with you..

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