Oct 21, 2011

First Impressions.. Don't Change Them

I've done almost every single group project since the start of my university life with this pair of girls. Interestingly, till today they still think of me as a scrawny boy who does some rockclimbing, but cannot possibly be very good because he's so skinny. Whenever they make a dig at me, I always laugh along with them at myself in a self-deprecating manner.

You see I so small size you all still bully me! I typically reply. 

Heh.. I never bothered to make the effort to change their impression, because it doesn't really matter to me. On the other hand, when I head down to the gym, all my climbing friends refer to me as 神, or gawd, either meant as a dig at my angry anti-religion past or as a compliment to my climbing ability (I think the former =x) But such dissonance.. such extremes! Is there no middle ground?

This semester, I'm doing a project with other group members. Another girl who added me on facebook commented that I'm like a monkey. I suppose she reached her conclusion because 95% of my photos are of me climbing. Sadly, I'm not a fan of taking photos of myself, photo-shopping all my imperfections away, and then posting them up on facebook.. So all the photos of me (if any at all) are taken by others.. I apologise that I've failed to live up to her expectations (don't look silly like a monkey?!), because that's just the way I am, flaws and all :)

Case in point: Lack of photos taken by me of myself


你的爱就像 完美毒药
对手断肠 你依然漂亮

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