Mar 11, 2010

a tribute to all my well wishers

living in j.k. rowling's shoes

over the past 2 weeks, i had a little taste of what being a writer feels like. received fan mail and hate mail alike. had people from as far as malaysia and australia writing to me to tell me that they appreciate my writing and that they support me entirely and telling me to move on. had people coming to chide my rather rude choice at putting the note up on a public forum. i guess there's no pleasing everyone. but one thing i do know, and that is there is more to life than mopping over a failed relationship. listening to emo songs every night before bed may be mentally and physiologically unhealthy, but it does help ease the pain a little. i sincerely thank everyone who helped put healing salve on the gaping wound.

am reading quite deeply into the subject now. trying to see both sides of the coin (Christianity and Atheism), but i was reminded by a friend that there are in fact, several sides to the coin. indeed, how do people of 2 faiths decide which faith is more true? since the start of time, top brains from the respective fields of theoretical physics, theology, biology, philosophy, etc have broached the topic, and there is little consensus. my thoughts and arguments pale in comparison to those of these intellectual giants. am i supposed to ride on their tailcoats, or am i supposed to find the answers myself? when you look hard enough, you'll find stories of staunch atheists converting to deism, and staunch Christians convert to atheism/Buddhism/etc.. the list is endless.

a personal milestone

on another note, i achieved my new year's resolution! i aimed to qualify for a mens open finals. and i did better than just that, i got 5th for the first comp of the year! am really proud of myself. can safely say i'm contented for now.. but not satisfied. there is no rest for the weary. guess this is my Achilles heel. am satisfied but still hunger for more.

am a little disappointed though that the 5th placing in novice men got a prize, whereas a similar 5th placing in open men warranted none. also, open men are barred from the team events of gravical and boulderactive. by these actions, what are the organisers trying to tell open men? i'll leave you to draw your own conclusions. are the open men and women not supposed to be the highlight of the competition?

my greatest regret

i remember when i was a novice man and went to watch my first ever mens open competition. i watched starry-eyed at all my idols cranking hard, from latching onto sick dynos to locking off on monos. their feats of strength defied imagination. since then, i've aspired to train to reach their level and compete on an equal standing with them. as their peers. it would be the highest honour to compete by their side. now that i've fought my way up to that level, the greatest irony is that all the old guards are one by one retiring from the competition scene.. one wave pushes the next.. one day in the not too distant future.. i'll become an old guard too. was the journey a fruitful one?

天灰灰 会不会 让我忘了你是谁


  1. Congrats on the performance in the finals! I was really impressed by your footwork, it was smooth and in control, I WANT!

  2. Congrats on your performance in Boulderactive and the nice vid posted on FB. Making the finals of the Open cat this time will only be the first of many. Trust me on that. I can see the drive in you and it'll take you alot further than you think as long as you're fired up to do so.

    Don't fret about the Novice cat getting prizes instead of the blokes in Open cat. Better to swim with the big boys than be a wannabe in the lower cats. Besides, as you pointed out in your last section, aren't you the one providing the entertainment and inspiration for all the starry-eyed guppies?

    Keep it up!

  3. Hi Spy!

    encouragement coming from a giant like yourself means a lot to a minnow like myself!

    i will continue to explore my physical and mental boundaries and keep pushing them.

    a boy.. struggling in his attempts to master his body.. task not made easier by daunting mental challenges.. an uphill task he takes joy in..

    Jansen =)
