Apr 21, 2010

facebook mail cont.

I came to know about you through your facebook note. I'm sorry to hear about what happened between you and your ex-girlfriend, and I hope your wounds will heal.

Just a little introduction about myself: I'm XXX, and I'm a Christian who have recently began to question my own faith. I totally sympathize with your skepticism towards Christianity, and I totally understand your need to express how you feel towards the relationship and her faith. I wish I have simple answers to offer you, but unfortunately I don't.

Like you, I like to express my thoughts in writing, and I myself have received flak for blogging about my thoughts. There were times where I would question my own pastor in my blog, and of course, you can imagine the backlash. Even when I question the Bible and what it says, there are people who would accuse of of "stumbling" young believers and causing them to lose their faith.

Suffice to say, I ask many of the same questions that you do. While I have some insights to offer, that's not what I'm here to do. I'm just writing as a stranger to offer my support to you. Nobody should remove or undermine your right to question, and if you ask me, I'd take skepticism over blind faith any day.

However, I'm just wondering if you've ever thought about where skepticism ends for you? I guess we would end up extremely cynical and pessimistic about life if we engage in mindless skepticism just as we would become blinded by unquestioning faith. My thinking is that there's always room in life for belief. I'm just curious as to where you would draw the line.


One more thing I'd like to add: I can't say that I understand the pain of breakup that you're going through, but I myself have a girlfriend who is definitely more pious and faithful than I am. I consider myself some sort of an agnostic with a Christian identity at this point of time. I would be devastated if my girlfriend were to break up with me over the same reasons.

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